The rate was at 12 rounds a minute, another Maynard Carbine was fired 562 times before cleaning, with little black powder build up. 50 caliber Maynard at a 3’ X 6’ target placed 200 yards away, Maynard fired 237 rounds without any misses. The test was under the direction of Commander John Dahlgren. Navy conducted test firing on the Maynard carbine at the Washington Naval Yard. McAulay book “Carbines of the Civil War” he states that in October 1859 the U.S. Georgia – 650, Florida – 1000, Mississippi – 800 and smaller orders to volunteer companies in Louisiana and South Carolina. Confederate purchase orders were as follows. With the election of Abraham Lincoln in November 1860 and political hostilities growing, Southern states purchased 90% of Maynard’s existing inventory. Through October 1860 Maynard & Company sold about 1400 of the 5000 carbines to the civilian market, unfortunately for Maynard his patented weapon didn’t share the same reputation as the Sharps Carbine.

Carbines had 20” barrels while rifles had 26” barrels. Approximately 5000, 1 st Model Maynard Carbine/Rifles were manufactured in.