I was so hooked that I didn’t even realize I’d already spent a day playing the game. The player travels on horseback to various locations on the massive map to complete objectives. This game is very similar to games like Grand Theft Auto. The player assumes the role of a cowboy named John Marston. Red Dead Redemption is an open world game that takes place in a highly stylized Wild West environment. Red Dead Redemption 2 has been out for a few weeks now, which means people are starting to reach the Red Dead Redemption 2 ending and are questioning exactly when Red Dead Online. Tapi tenang saja karna saya lagi kambuh baiknya jadi saya share Daftar Harga Laptop/Notebook Terbaru 2013 semua merek. Pada umumnya laptop atau Notebook Itu memiliki ukuran 12 -7 inci.Didunia ini ada banyak berbagai merek laptop/notebook dari acer,asus dll.